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Tomorrow Is Today


Make today count!!

EUC Homes Ltd’ End of Year Promo is coming to an end in few days and hours, but as it is popularly said, it isn’t over until it is over. There is still time to change the course of your life if you truly desire it without compromise and prejudice. Crowning your year with owning a Landed property in any of our Estate Schemes may just be the Joy that will count in your life come 2018 and never ends. What you sow today, is what you gain tomorrow and until a good Athlete breasts the Tape he never says he is lost out of the race. So, take a breath and take the lead!

The notion that tomorrow never comes is personally true, which then means what is called tomorrow is actually today. So, tomorrow never exists!

Therefore, there comes an end to everything under the sun, even man. The idea that every man would die isn’t a manufactured statement by man out of intuition. It is actually a natural occurrence that came to everyone’s awareness and recognition. As regards this, the call to make hay while the Sun shines still holds a notable proverbial statement of fact in this accord and reference to make value and quality out of life.

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