One of EUC Homes ‘culture is founded in the act of appreciating and providing platforms to impact the younger generation with key points on becoming an established Entrepreneur, especially in Real Estate. Perhaps, the last symposium/trainings held at the prestigious Pelican Hotel was a clearer picture of its dexterity in creating wealth, with its partners and as hundreds of consultants stormed the venue to partake of the noble call!
On the 20th of January, which was last week, had with it a glorious and impactful moment with over 450 consultants wilfully learning of several ways and techniques to win over die-hard resisting Clients, to patronizing them in Land sales, as well as knowing how to establish a cordial and lasting relationship with them. It was an insightful time with established Realtors, and IT personnel who took no stone unturned in making sure everyone gained from their notable experiences, and most recent technical prowess in using technological tools in selling lands as well increasing sales.
Although, the meeting started a bit late due to technical issues and abrupt shortcomings, but Consultants waited patiently to make sure all were fixed, and as many were eager to learn new strategies, while some new faces were around to also receive of the blessings. IT Guru, Sparks Ovadje, with other Experts from the EUC Homes stable, spoke intensely of maximizing the New Year, as opportunities laid by EUC Homes ltd, were anchored on mouth-watering promotions on Lands sales commission, for consultants like never before.The No Ratification Fee promo and the Valentine Promo on going were lauded by new attendees and old consultants alike.
Finally, the MD/CEO of EUC Homes Ltd, Mr Ben Odunzeh, spoke passionately on certain strides the EUC Homes is determined to achieve in the New Year to boost marketing value for its Estates and also would stand as a marketing edge for marketers, analysing its achieved projects Time line, and the subsequent outline projects for the year. He also encouraged the crowd to keep pushing until something happens. He spelt out clearly, all the promo packages for Consultants who would gear up themselves to make sale in the course of the Valentine promo. Some of the mouth-watering packages include, 25% direct commission of any sales made, 5%, 3% and 2% indirect commission for down-line consultants. Also, a 2005, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 Toyota Camry, and the exclusive 2018 Honda Accord coupled with a dinner for two at various prestigious Hotels, and hundreds of other gift items for grab!
Wow, and experience!